return to the blogosphere
i recently read nick hornby's "songbook", which prompted me to think about my own relationship with the music i listen to. as music is what i mostly know, and often all i want to talk about, coupled with the fact i often get asked of my opinion on certain music related subjects, i thought it might be fun to spew out my musical thoughts in blog-form.
this in no way will lead anyone to what is new and hip...there are a million other websites that do that. besides, that has never been my area of expertise. it will probably develop over time, but the topics that have been running through my head while riding the subway, or eating lunch the past couple of weeks have lists of songs, or albums, that i think are significant, at least to my life. there may be the occasional record review, but in a very non-traditonal sense, as i am in no way a writer, and structured writing both intimidates me and puts me off.
time to think up a topic for my first proper post. in the mean time, this is what i'm listening to now
this in no way will lead anyone to what is new and hip...there are a million other websites that do that. besides, that has never been my area of expertise. it will probably develop over time, but the topics that have been running through my head while riding the subway, or eating lunch the past couple of weeks have lists of songs, or albums, that i think are significant, at least to my life. there may be the occasional record review, but in a very non-traditonal sense, as i am in no way a writer, and structured writing both intimidates me and puts me off.
time to think up a topic for my first proper post. in the mean time, this is what i'm listening to now
At 11:27 p.m.,
dre said…
I am eager to hear about music...sweet music. I know I could ask you in person, or any number of my "hip" friends of what I should be listening to or buy, (including you, of course) but I simply haven't had the time. But now, I am nearly done school and cannot WAIT to sink my teeth into a new CD. I haven't bought one in just over a year. Here's to music...and blogging.
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